The Adventures in Public Service (APS) project has been designed to encourage as many people as possible to engage in public service work, whether full or part time, early or late in career, part of a non-profit, a for-profit organization, or on an individual basis. It presents the experiences relevant to public service activities of a number of people of different backgrounds.

The writings by participants in the project are presented in alphabetical order by authors' names, as indicated in the Table of Contents, which follows. Not all written contributions to the project are presented at this time. They, and additional contributions which are being developed, will be posted as soon as possible.


Robert H Manley

Robert H. Manley, Ph.D. (Political Science). He founded (1975) the International Public Policy Institute, a non-governmental organization with NGO status with the United Nations Department of Public Information since 1976 and consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 1984. He was a member of the faculty groups which founded the Center for Public Service (1986) and the John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations (1997), both at Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey. He is director of the project titled “The Contours of Globally Responsible Political Thought and Public Policy: Toward a More  Equitable, Sustainable And Peaceful Future” (

Consulting Editors:

Gina Manley

Gina Manley is a consultant based in Washington, D.C. She received her B.A. (Communications) at Seton Hall University in 1989 and her M.S. in Public Management from the H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University, in 1997.

Charles Bwalya

Charles Bwalya is an international student at Colgate University, majoring in Physics and Mathematical Economics. He anticipates receiving his B.A. degree in December 2007.